Returns Policy
Incorrectly Ordered/Unwanted Goods
In the event that an item is ordered and it does not meet your requirements we will accept the item as a return so long as the item is returned to us in the same condition as it was dispatched.
Please contact us either by email to [email protected] or on 01392 216336 within 14 days of receipt of goods. You will then be given a unique returns code which must be included on any paperwork enclosed with the returned items. We will then discuss with you the options of returning the items and how much credit you will receive for the returned items. You will then have 30 days from the date of dispatch to return the items to us at your own cost.
Faulty/Damaged/Missing Goods
If goods should be received and they are damaged or faulty please contact us either by email to [email protected] or on 01392 216336 within 14 days of dispatch of the goods. You will then be given a unique returns code which must be included on any paperwork enclosed with the returned items. We will then discuss with you the options available for returning the items.
If goods are not reported damaged or faulty and returned to us without a returns code we reserve the right to not pay the carriage costs incurred.
Once the order has been received please check the contents for any missing or damaged items. This should be done with 48 hours as any missing or damaged parts must be notified to the courier within this time
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