How to Replace Erde Trailer Bearings
from Western Towing –
This is a simple guide to removing and replacing the bearings in the Erde aluminium hub fitted on all the Erde trailer models 100, 101, 102, 120, 121, 122, 130, 131 &132 and Daxara trailer models 106, 107, 126, 127, 136 & 137 and the Erde motorcycle trailer models PM300 and PM310. At some point, the bearings on these small Erde and Daxara will need to be changed. They are ‘sealed for life’ but they do wear out.
Removing the hub cap
The most difficult job when replacing the bearing can be the removal of the hub cap, it is simply pushed in but can be hard to get out without damaging it.
We suggest using either wood or rubber mallet to tap the cap on the side at as much of an angle so as to move the cap away from the hub, this should be done while turning the hub slowly. The hub cap should start moving away from the hub and then come away completely. This can be done without damaging the cap but sometimes it’s so stubborn that the cap can become dented, if it’s not too damaged it can still be replaced.
Removing the hub
Under the cap you should find an M10 locknut, using a 17mm socket this should be removed, it’s a standard right-hand thread (on both sides). Remove the washer and the complete hub should slide off the stub axle. We usually leave the wheel on so that it can aid in removing the hub, a bit more to hold on to. If it’s very stubborn then using the mallet again, tap around the inside edge of the rim in random places may help. If this fails then a hub puller may be the only option, these can be obtained from a local DIY motor accessory stop. Just follow the instructions that come with the puller.
Removing the old bearings
Since the bearings are going to be replaced there is no real need to remove them intact, so using any method that suits you should be fine as long as the aluminium casting is not damaged in any way. Probably the most obvious way is using a small cold chisel or flat-headed screwdriver put through the opposite bearing and tapping evenly around the bearing so that it remains level in the casting until it’s all the way out.
Installing the new bearings
Ideally, the new bearings should be replaced using a suitable press, but failing this usually a socket or tube with an external diameter of 40mm for the inside bearing and 35mm of the inside bearing it should be possible to tap the bearings into place being very careful not to damage the seals. It may also be possible to use the old bearings as drifts to replace the new, you may find it tricky when installing the outer bearings though.
Replacing the Hub
Once the bearings are in place, slide the hub back onto the stub axle followed by a new washer and lock nut. Tighten the nut sufficiently to ensure the bearings are seated with no ‘end float’, no final torque setting has been supplied by Erde for this nut, we would recommend no more than 29Nm (21ftlb). The cap can then be replaced, push in by hand as far as possible and tap in the centre with a rubber mallet until fully home, this should leave about 14mm of the cap above the casting. Replace the wheel, if removed and torque the nuts up to 70Nm (52ftlb).
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The information is given only as a guide, if you are in any doubt you should seek professional advice. Western Towing will not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident or other cause.
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